Critical Care Medicine
Critical Care Medicine is the premier peer-reviewed, scientific publication in critical care medicine. Directed to those specialists who treat patients in the ICU and CCU, including chest physicians, surgeons, pediatricians, pharmacists/pharmacologists, anesthesiologists, critical care nurses, and other healthcare professionals, Critical Care Medicine covers all aspects of acute and emergency care for the critically ill or injured patient. Each issue presents critical care practitioners with clinical breakthroughs that lead to better patient care, the latest news on promising research, and advances in equipment and techniques.
The purpose of this journal is to publish original articles on significant work in critical care medicine. It also provides a forum for exchange of ideas on what's right and what's wrong in the management of the critically ill; a truly in-depth coverage of this new science. All articles are original submissions and peer-reviewed.
Published 12 times per year
Ranked 2nd among 19 titles in the Critical Care Medicine category of the Journals Citation Report
Official Journal of the Society of Critical Care Medicine
Publication & Editorial Staff Contacts
John Ewers
Senior Production Editor
Christopher Baeuerlein
Production Associate
Lisa Folden
LWW Business Offices
351 West Camden Street
Baltimore, MD
Phone: 410-528-4000
Joseph E. Parrillo MD, FCCM
Director of Publications
Lynn Retford
Managing Editor
Sophie M. Tosta
Periodical Publications Manager
Mary Ann Branagan
Editorial Assistant
Heather Haemker
Society Offices
Society of Critical Care Medicine
500 Midway Drive
Mount Prospect, IL 60056 USA
Phone: 847-827-6869
Fax: 847-827-6886
Please send all editorial correspondence to the Editor:
Critical Care Medicine
500 Midway Drive
Mount Prospect, IL 60056
Phone: 847-827-6721
Copyright © 2010 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins All rights reserved.
